Culture, Inspiration Cellar Door Creative Limited Culture, Inspiration Cellar Door Creative Limited

Black History Matters

Black Lives Matters is not a trend. It is a deep seeded narrative. It is a social imbalance and will continue unless there is a change in the system. We all have a role to play and can support but do not do it blindly.

Knowledge and awareness are the only ways to make true lasting change.

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Food, Culture, Leisure, Insight, Inspiration Cellar Door Creative Limited Food, Culture, Leisure, Insight, Inspiration Cellar Door Creative Limited

Food, Glorious Food

The pandemic has forced us all indoors and into isolation. Although this will not be enforced forever the implications and practices may continue to ripple.

Telecommuting technology has historically been slow to take off, with 'sticky' work cultures being widely responsible for this inertia. However video conferencing and online workflow has and continues to undergo massive investment which may result in more permanent shifts in working patterns. 

(Office) working can be loosely broken into two camps; collaboration and incubation. Fundamentally as humans we like to share and meet up and the best ideas are nurtured as a team, but many have found the benefits of focused isolation when tackling an individual task. The recalibration of our working habits may result in more working from home, married with an increase in physical hang outs, to catch up, discuss and collaborate. 

So what could this mean to the Food and Beverage Industry?

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